
Your Donations Make an Impact on Our Resident's Lives

Donate Today

Your Donations Make the Difference

They make an impact on the lives of people we serve by helping defray the cost of medical and dental bills, day to day living expenses, and even making possible a long-anticipated bucket-list vacation.

Note: You will be redirected to an external secure site to make your donation

Other Ways to Donate

Create a Facebook Fundraiser for Community Living Centers

What better way to celebrate your birthday than by giving back? Encourage your family and friends to make donations to Community Living Centers in your honor!

Follow these six easy steps to create a fundraiser on Facebook, and don’t forget to add some fun photos or videos to your page.

Here’s how to get started:

  1. Log in to your Facebook account.
  2. Navigate to your ‘home’ page, and look for the ‘Fundraisers’ option under “Explore” on the left side column. Click on “Fundraisers” and follow Facebook’s prompts.
  3. Search for Community Living Centers.
  4. Set your fundraising goal and timeframe. Choose an amount that feels right for you, and see where it goes! You can always raise the goal if you want to challenge your friends.
  5. Invite people on your friends’ list and engage with them! This is important. Keep inviting and engaging with everyone.
  6. Share your fundraiser often on your timeline. Not everyone will see it the first time you post. Remember, inviting people gives them the chance to be part of something meaningful. If they can’t participate, at least you gave them the opportunity.
  7. Thank each donor and watch your numbers grow! These donations are happening because of YOU – your friends love and appreciate you, and we do too!
  8. And most importantly, have fun!

Donate to CLC through Kroger!

The Kroger Family of Companies is committed to community engagement, positive social impact and charitable giving at the national and local levels. 

One of the ways in which Kroger does this is through the Kroger Community Rewards program. This program makes fundraising easy by donating to local organizations based on the shopping you do every day. Once you link your Card to an organization, all you have to do is shop at Kroger and swipe your Shopper’s Card. 

To learn more about Kroger Community Rewards and to link your Kroger card to CLC, click the button below!

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We Moved!

28104 Orchard Lake Road
Suite 117
Farmington Hills, MI 48334

Please update your mailing records for us – or swing by and say hi!